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000 Computer science, information & general works
000 Computer Science, Information, General Works
001 Knowledge
004 Data Processing, Computer Science
005 Computer Programming, Programs, Data
006 Special Computer Methods
020 Library & information sciences
025 Operations, Archieves, Information Centers
026 Specific Subjects Libraries, Archeves, Information Centers Devoted to Specific Subjects and Disciplines
027 General Libraries, General Archieves, Information Centers Devoted to General Subjects and Disciplines
028 Use of Other Information Media
070 News media, journalism & publishing
071 Journalism and Newspapers in Indonesia
100 Philosophy & psychology
100 Philosophy
140 Philosophical schools of thought
150 Psychology
152 Sensory Perception, Movement, Emotions, Physiological Drives
153 Conscious Mental Process and Intelligence
154 Subconscious and Altered States and Process
155 Differential & Developmental Psychology
156 Comparative Psychology
158 Applied Psychology
160 Logic
170 Ethics
174 Occupational Ethics
200 Religion
200 Religion
2X0 Islam
2X0 Islam
2X0.1 Islam and Philosophy
2X0.3 Islam and Social sciences
2X0.9 Islam and other fields
2X2 Hadith
2X2.6 Stories from the Hadits (Kisah dari Hadits)
2X3 Creed (Aqidah) & Shahada (Syahadatain)
2X3.1 - 2X3.6 The Six Articles of Faith in Islam
2X3.1 Belief in the existence of God (Tawheed & Asmaul Husna)
2X4 Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
2X4.1 Islamic acts of Worship
2X4.2 Islamic civil Law [incl. Muamalat & Trade Law]
2X4.3 Islamic marital jurisprudence (Munakahat)
2X5 Ethics (Akhlaq & Sufism)
2X5.2 Sufism (Tasawuf)
2X6 Islamic socio-cultural systems
2X6.3 Economic (and banking) systems in Islam
2X6.5 Mosque [incl. Ka'bah & the Dome of Rock]
2X6.6 Islamic organizations (NU, Muhammadiyah, ICMI, etc.]
2X7 Philosophy (Falsafah)
2X7.1 Islamic philosophy
2X7.3 Islamic school and education
2X9 Islamic history & biography
2X9.1 The era of Prophet Muhammad SAW & his families
300 Social sciences
300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
301 Sociology and Anthropology, Human, Society
302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations
303 Social Process
304 Factors Affecting Social Behaviour
305 Social Groups
306 Culture and Institutions
307 Communities
320 Political science
321 System of Government and States
322 Relation of The State of Organized Groups
323 Civil and political rights
324 Political Process
327 International Relations
328 The Legislative Process
330 Economics
331 Labor Economics
332 Financial Economics, Finance
333 Economic of Land and Energy
334 Cooperative
335 Socialism and Related Systems
336 Public Finance
337 International Economics
338 Production, Industrial Economics
339 Macroeconomics and Related Topics
340 Law
341 Law of nations (International Law)
342 Constitutional and Administrative Law
343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade), industrial law
344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law
345 Criminal Law
346 Private Law
347 Procedure and courts
348 Laws, regulations, cases
349 Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations
350 Public administration & military science
352 Public Administration (of specific departments and agencies)
353 Specific fields of Public Administration
355 Military Science
360 Social problems & social services
361 Social problems and services
362 Social welfare (social problems of and services to groups of people)
363 Other social problems and services
364 Criminology
365 Penal and related institution
370 Education
371 Educational Institutions, Schools and Their Activities
372 Elementary Education
373 Secondary Education
374 Adult Education
375 Curricula
378 Higher Education, Universities
379 Public Policy Issues in Education
380 Commerce, communications & transportation
381 Commerce (Trade)
382 International Commerce (Foreign Trade)
384 Communications (Telemunications)
385 Railroad Transportation
388 Ground Transportation
390 Customs, etiquette & folklore
392 Customs of Life Cycle and Domestic Life
398 Folklore
400 Language
400 Language
401 Philosopy and Theory
402 Miscellany
407 Education, Research of Language, Related Topics of Language
410 Linguistics
420 English & Old English languages
490 Other languages
492 Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
492.7 Arabic and Maltese languages
495 Languages of East & Southeast Asia
495.1 Chinese language
495.6 Japanese language
499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages & miscellaneous languages
499.2 Austronesian languages
499.22 Indonesian & Chamic languages
499.221 Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
500 Natural sciences & mathematics
500 Science
502 Miscellany of Nature Sciences
503 Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Concordances of Natural Sciences
510 Mathematics
519 Applied mathematics
520 Astronomy
526 Mathematical Geography
530 Physics
531 Classical Mechanics, Solid Mechanics
550 Earth sciences & geology
551 Geology
570 Life sciences (Biology)
571 Physiology
572 Biochemistry
573 Specific Physiological Systems in Animals
575 Specific Physiological Systems in Plants
576 Genetics
577 Ecology
579 Microorganisms
580 Plants (Botany)
581 Specific Topics of Plants
583 Magnoliopsida, Dicotyledons
590 Animals (Zoology)
592 Invertebrates
596 Chordata, Vertebrates
597 Cold-Blooded Vertebrates, Pisces, Fish
598 Aves, Birds
600 Applied sciences & technology
600 Technology
601 Philosophy and Theory of Technology
602 Miscellany of Technology and Applied Sciences
603 Dictionaries, Encyclopedia
606 Organizations of Technology and Applied Sciences
607 Education, Research, Related Topics
608 Inventions and Patents
610 Medicine & health
612 Human Physiology
613 Personal Health, Hygiene
614 Public Preventive Medicine
615 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
616 Diseases
618 Gynecology and Obstetric
619 Experimental Medicine
620 Engineering
621 Applied Physics
624 Civil Engineering
627 Hydraulic Engineering
629 Other Branches of Engineering
630 Agriculture
631 Specific Techniques of Agriculture
632 Plant Injuries
634 Orchard, Fruits
635 Garden Crops, Horticulture, Vegetables
636 Animal Husbandry
639 Hunting, Fishing, Conservation, Related Technologies
640 Home & family management
641 Gastronomy
642 Meals Service
643 Housing And Housegold Equipment
649 Child Rearing, Child Care
650 Management & public relations
651 Office Services
657 Accounting
658 General Management
659 Advertising And Public Relations
660 Chemical engineering
661 Technology of Industrial Chemicals
664 Food Technology
665 Technology Of Industrial Oils, Fats, Waxes, Gases
670 Manufacturing
677 Textiles
690 Building & construction
696 Energy and Environmental of Building
700 Arts & recreation
720 Architecture
728 Domestic Architecture
740 Drawing & decorative arts
770 Photography & computer art
777 Cinematography
780 Music
790 Sports, games & entertainment
791 Public Performances
792 Stage Presentation
796 Athletic and Outdoor Sports
800 Literature
800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism
808 Rhetoricand Collections of Literary
820 English & Old English literatures
823 English Fiction
890 Other literatures
892 Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
892.7 Arabic and Maltese literatures
895 Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
895.6 Japanese literatures
899 Literatures of Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian languages & of miscellaneous languages
899.2 Literatures of Austronesian languages
899.22 Literatures of Indonesian & Chamic languages
899.222 Javanese literatures
900 History & geography
900 History
910 Geography & travel
920 Biography & genealogy
940 History of Europe
949 History of other parts of Europe
950 History of Asia
951 History of Modern China
952 History of Japan
956 History of Modern Near East and Middle East
970 History of North America
973 History of United States of America, USA