Items where Year is 2019

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Number of items: 98.


Karina and Samudra, Muhammad F. and Rosadi, Imam and Afini, Irsyah and Widyastuti, Tias and Sobariah, Siti and Remelia, Melinda and Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Rosliana, Iis and Tunggadewi, Tri I. (2019) Combination of the stromal vascular fraction and platelet-rich plasma accelerates the wound healing process: pre-clinical study in a Sprague-Dawley rat model. Stem Cell Investig, 6 (7). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2313-0792

Rohita and Fitria, Nila (2019) Pelatihan penyusunan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran harian berbasis kurikulum 2013 bagi guru-guru PAUD. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, 1 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2655-6277

Rohita and Sekarlawu, Hesti Hapsari (2019) Understanding of kindergarten teachers of the 2013 curriculum of early childhood education. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (ISSEH 2018), 306. pp. 167-171. ISSN 2352-5398

Suartini and Safa'at, Rachmad and Permadi, Iwan and Istislam (2019) Comparison of village-owned enterprises in Indonesia and township and village enterprises in China. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 91. pp. 169-176. ISSN 2224-3259

Suartini and Safa'at, Rachmad and Permadi, Iwan and Istislam (2019) The meaning of village owned enterprises based on villages according to law number 6 of 2014 concerning villages. Academic Research International, 10 (4). pp. 55-66. ISSN 2223-9553

Alfina, Riny and Arifianto, Indrawan and Astharini, Dwi and Wulandari, Putri (2019) Mendisain GUI untuk menampilkan nilai FFT dan IFFT menggunakan LabVIEW. TESLA, 21 (1). pp. 50-56. ISSN 2655-7967

Alif, S. and Aribowo, Budi (2019) Line balancing application analysis of generator manufacturing process in DPG Inc. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 528. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1757-899X

Arianti, Gusmia and Asri, Rahman (2019) Pengaruh personal branding Sandiaga Uno terhadap minat pemilih perempuan pada pilpres 2019. CoverAge: Journal of Strategic Communication, 10 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2686-1992

Arindita, Ruvira (2019) Personal branding mom-influencer dan representasi ibu millenial di media sosial. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komunikasi WACANA, 18 (1). pp. 11-24. ISSN 2598-7402

Arindita, Ruvira and Shambodo, Yoedo (2019) Tahapan perilaku aktor jaringan komunikasi pada sosialisasi isu bullying. Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 8 (2). pp. 213-239. ISSN 2614-218X

Asri, Rahman (2019) Pemaknaan the power of emak-emak di media sosial. Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 8 (1). pp. 92-103. ISSN 2614-218X

Asri, Rahman and Arianti, Gusmia and Mandjusri, Alma (2019) Pengaruh online personal branding tokoh politik terhadap minat pemilih pemula. Communiverse, 5 (1). pp. 58-69. ISSN 2614-4956

Astharini, Dwi and Aulia, Tsaura and Wulandari, Putri and Alamtaha, Rahmat and Afisha, Rifqy (2019) GUI design for comparative output signal DFT and DTFT with LabVIEW. INSIST, 4 (1). pp. 210-213. ISSN 2502-8588

Atmadi, Gayatri (2019) Framing the fact of extraordinary events. Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, 8 (1). pp. 69-80. ISSN 2615-2894

Atmadi, Gayatri (2019) How company manage stakeholder engagement for sustainable tourism development in Indonesia? The Journal of Society and Media, 3 (2). pp. 237-260. ISSN 2580-1341

Burdah, Salim and Alamtaha, Rahmat and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Rahmatia, Suci and Syahriar, Ary (2019) Performance analysis of Q factor optical communication in free space optics and single mode fiber. Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 6 (3). pp. 167-175. ISSN 2332-3299

Bustan, Radhiya and Mailani, Liana and Rahmawati, Yuliana Mukti (2019) Understanding of teachers related to the application of character values in children of kindergarten age. Proceedings Book of International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019): Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development. pp. 18-34. ISSN 2615-1588

Darwis, Robi and Arifianto, Indrawan and Mujadin, Anwar and Rahmatia, Suci (2019) Perancangan robot pemadam api hexapod. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 5 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2355-8059

Darwis, Robi and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Syahriar, Ary and Arifianto, Indrawan (2019) Performance analysis of dispersion compensation fiber on NRz and RZ modulation with difference power transmission. Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 6 (3). pp. 159-166. ISSN 2332-3299

Elfidasari, Dewi and Ismi, Laksmi Nurul and Sugoro, Irawan (2019) Heavy metal contamination of Ciliwung River, Indonesia. Ecology & Safety, 13. pp. 106-111. ISSN 1314-7234

Elfidasari, Dewi and Shabira, Afina Putri and Sugoro, Irawan and Ismi, Laksmi Nurul (2019) The nutrient content of Plecostomus (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) flesh from Ciliwung River Jakarta, Indonesia. Nusantara Bioscience, 11 (1). pp. 30-34. ISSN 2087-3956

Fawzya, Yusro Nuri and Trisdayanti and Wibowo, S and Noriko, Nita (2019) Antifungal activity of chitosan oligomer prepared using chitosanase of Aeromonas media KLU 11.16. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 278. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1755-1315

Firnandi, Adam Gaffar and Samiono, Bambang Eko (2019) Pengaruh perceived value dan brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian melalui word of mouth smartphone lokal dan smartphone China. Al Hisbah: Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Syariah, 7 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2089-7162

Fitria, Nila and Rohita (2019) Pemetaan pengetahuan guru TK tentang keterampilan gerak dasar anak TK. Jurnal Al Azhar Indonesia: Seri Humaniora, 5 (2). pp. 76-86. ISSN 2356-0215

Hasanati, Nida’ul and Permatasari, Effrizka and Nurhasanah, Nunung and Hidayat, Syarif (2019) Implementation of material requirement planning (MRP) on raw material order planning system for garment industry. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 528. ISSN 1757-899X

Hendra, Faisal and Laura, Hanady Martha (2019) Pengaruh spiritual quotient dan emotional quotient dalam proses belajar Bahasa Arab. Multaqa Nasional Bahasa Arab II, 2 (1). pp. 27-38.

Hendra, Faisal and Rembulan, Intan (2019) Peran pimpinan universitas dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran Bahasa Arab: studi kasus di Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Internasional Bahasa Arab (PINBA) XII. pp. 27-38. ISSN 2621-9387

Hidayat, Yusup (2019) Sharia economics and financial inclusion program in Indonesia. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 8 (3). pp. 195-201. ISSN 2281-4612

Hizbullah, Nur and Suryaningsih, Iin and Mardiah, Zaqiatul (2019) Manuskrip Arab di nusantara dalam tinjauan linguistik korpus. Arabi: Journal of Arabic Studies, 4 (1). pp. 65-74. ISSN 2548-6624

Irdani, Muhammad and Arindita, Ruvira (2019) Representasi citra destinasi wisata Indonesia Timur di media sosial: analisis multimodalitas pada vlog Arief Muhammad "travel vlog - #112 - spot anti mainstream di Raja Ampat". Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 8 (1). pp. 229-241. ISSN 2716-1889

Kania, Mila Dewi and Muhammad, Safira and Lutfianti, Astrid and Hendra, Faisal (2019) Penggunaan media sosial dalam pembelajaran kemahiran membaca Bahasa Arab. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Internasional Bahasa Arab (PINBA) XII. pp. 591-602. ISSN 2621-9387

Khadijah, Meilinda and Fitria, Nila (2019) Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler futsal pada anak perempuan. Jurnal AUDHI, 1 (2). pp. 78-87. ISSN 2774-8243

Kinanti, Winda Ayu and Nurhasanah, Nunung (2019) Usulan perancangan key performance indicator (KPI) dengan konsep Green HRM menggunakan perspektif performance PRISM dan metode AHP pada Waris Cafe. Jurnal Al Azhar Indonesia Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 5 (2). pp. 70-78. ISSN 2355-8059

Kussusanti, Susanti and Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono and Halim, Rizal Edy and Furinto, Asnan (2019) Informational justice and post-recovery satisfaction in e-commerce: the role of service failure severity on behavioral intentions. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (1). pp. 129-139. ISSN 2288-4645

Kusumasari, Dewi and Rahmi, Asri Noer (2019) Business preservation of batik Indonesia (heritage), challenges and the solution. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Ekonomika, 12 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2579-4841

Lutfi, Anas and Fachda, Lutfi (2019) Analisa hukum terhadap putusan mahkamah agung No.05/K/KPPU/2007 tentang pelanggaran UU No.5/1999 tentang larangan praktek monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat oleh PT. Semen Gresik dan termohon kasasi lainnya. Jurnal Magister Ilmu Hukum, 4 (1). pp. 36-44. ISSN 2548-7884

Mardiah, Zaqiatul and Muta'ali, Abdul (2019) Preposisi spasial “pada” dalam tinjauan semantik kognitif. 2019: Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa XIII. pp. 991-998. ISSN 2655-1780

Mardiah, Zaqiatul and Muta'ali, Abdul and Rachman, Fazlur (2019) A realization of optimality theory to Arabic hollow verb. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 254. pp. 234-239. ISSN 2352-5398

Mardiah, Zaqiatul and Wastono, Afdol Tharik and Muta'ali, Abdul (2019) A cognitive perspective on the Arabic spatial noun/ فَوْقَ /fawqa/ applying the principle polysemy model. Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, 9 (2). pp. 154-166. ISSN 2503-0868

Moenawar, M. Ghozali and Mandjusri, Alma and Purnama, Tata Septayuda (2019) Transforming cybersecurity through sustainability in living harmony: facing the dissemination of hoax information based on digital media. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 6 (1). pp. 119-125. ISSN 2364-5369

Murti, Farra Nabila and Nurhasanah, Nunung (2019) Analisa risiko kegagalan kompresor K-3-02 B di Plant 3C PT. Pertamina (persero) RU V Balikpapan menggunakan Failure Mode and Effect analysis (FMEA) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Prosiding Industrial Engineering National Conference (IENACO). pp. 120-127. ISSN 2337 - 4349

Muwaffaq, Thafhan (2019) Telaah semiokognitif video penembakan teroris di Mesjid Christchurch, Selandia Baru. Jurnal Magister Ilmu Hukum, 4 (2). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2548-7884

Muwaffaq, Thafhan (2019) Telaah semiokognitif video penembakan teroris di mesjid christchruch, Selandia Baru. Jurnal Magister Ilmu Hukum, 4 (2). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2548-7884

Nasucha, Muchammad (2019) The social interpretation on relation of religion and environment on internet. Proceeding of the 5th conference on communication, culture and media studies. pp. 123-129.

Nasucha, Muchammad and Sari, Endah Purwita (2019) The influence of the film towards the attitude of the indigenous adolescents on chinese ethnic in Indonesia. International journal of multicultural and multireligious understanding, 6 (3). pp. 111-131. ISSN 2364-5369

Nurhasanah, Nunung and Devana, Marcia and Aribowo, Budi and Safitri, Riri and Samiono, Bambang Eko and Lutfia, CF and Kalifa, P and Fauzia, SW and Supriyanto, Arif (2019) Analysis of supply chain network of FBS production in small and medium textile and textile product (TTP) industry. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 528. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1757-899X

Nurhasanah, Nunung and Fauzia, SW and Aribowo, Budi and Safitri, Riri and Samiono, Bambang Eko and Lutfia, CF and Deva and Kalifa, P and Supriyanto, Arif (2019) Inventory level optimization of raw materials for ready-made garment industry XYZ PTY Ltd using mamdani method of fuzzy interference system. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 528. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1757-899X

Rahmatia, Suci and Azzahra, Azmi Azizah and Ismail, Muhammad and Astharini, Dwi and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Subscriber growth forecasting of LTE network 1800 MHz FDD at Denpasar City using monte carlo simulation. Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi, 19 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2527-9955

Sadmego, Vanesa Bella and Nasucha, Muchammad (2019) Framing news on religion and living environment in online media. Jurnal Komunikasi, 14 (1). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2548-7647

Samiono, Bambang Eko and Rohita and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Agen reseller online amanah untuk anak-anak pemulung Jatipadang. Prosiding Seminar Hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SABDAMAS), 1 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 2715-582X

Samiono, Bambang Eko and Nurlatifah, Hanny (2019) Program kelompok mentoring bisnis komunitas tangan di atas wilayah Jakarta Selatan 5.0. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, 1 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 2655-6277

Sardisan, Erwin Susanto and Fauziah, Rantri Dena and Parwati, Niken (2019) Decision making support in developing entrepreneurship tenants of UAI incubator bussiness. Proceedings of the 2019 1st International Conference on Engineering and Management in Industrial System (ICOEMIS 2019), 173. pp. 283-290. ISSN 1951-6851

Sasaerila, Hidayat Yorianta and Yulita, Angelia and Klink, Saskia and Tajuddin, Teuku (2019) Study on the survival and adaptation of Canna indica L. to different light environments and herbivore attacks. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, 7 (4). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2321-8991

Satirah, Rifa and Nadhifa, Vina and Hendra, Faisal (2019) Arah baru pengembangan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di perguruan tinggi Indonesia bagi anak milenial. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Internasional Bahasa Arab (PINBA) XII. pp. 463-470. ISSN 2621-9387

Setiawan, Muhammad Edo and Parwati, Niken (2019) Penentuan kriteria faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam membuat program studi baru dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) studi kasus di Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi. Prosiding SENIATI 2019: Inovasi dan Aplikasi Teknologi Berkelanjutan di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0, 5 (3). pp. 250-258. ISSN 2085 - 4218

Sevriana, Lufthia and Agustiningsih, Dheka Dwi and Rani, Asni Mustika and Assyofa, Allya Roosallyn and Sumpena, Firly Firmansyah (2019) Peningkatan kemampuan pengelolaan bisnis guru SLB tuna rungu. Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 7 (2). pp. 342-354. ISSN 2502-065X

Sunuantari, Manik (2019) Opini pengunjung Dieng culture festival tentang destinasi pariwisata Dieng. The Source: Jurnal Komunikasi, 1 (1). pp. 86-99. ISSN 2621-2242

Sunuantari, Manik and Sumiyati, Sumiyati (2019) An educational of family friendly digital media in RPTRA Rasamala. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Community Development (ICCD), 2 (1). pp. 245-249.

Suryaningsih, Iin (2019) Manuscript of pedagogy by Mirat Afkar Rijal: Anthropology-history correlation in the text of the Nusantara Arab’s poetry. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 306. pp. 116-118. ISSN 2352-5398

Syahriar, Ary and Lubis, Ahmad Husin and Mujadin, Anwar and Jamal, Jusman Syafii and Pratama, Ahmad Juang (2019) Cladding effects on silica directional couplers. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 17 (3). pp. 1142-1148. ISSN 1693-6930

Tanjung, Widya Nurcahayanty and Nurhasanah, Nunung and Lutfia, CF and Aribowo, Budi and Safitri, Riri and Samiono, Bambang Eko and Devana, Marcia and Kalifa, P and Fauzia, SW and Supriyanto, Arif (2019) The optimization of semi finished garment distribution of Forboys SME in Pandeglang area using genetic algorithm. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 528. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1757-899X

Utami, Andryani Setyo (2019) 印汉语身体部的 “头/kepala” 和 “眼/mata”的词语 = The words of “head” and “eye” for the body in Indonesian-Chinese language. 语言学期刊. pp. 1-8.

Wasitaatmadja, Fokky Fuad (2019) Pemikiran Islam dalam pembentukan nasionalisme Indonesia: sebuah analisis sejarah hukum. Jurnal Ilmiah Mimbar Demokrasi, 19 (1). pp. 62-79. ISSN 2597-4513

Zahrawanny, Vitasya Putri and Fitria, Nila (2019) Persepsi orang tua tentang manfaat paud terhadap dukungan menyekolahkan anak di lembaga PAUD. Jurnal AUDHI, 2 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2774-8243

Book Section

Arindita, Ruvira (2019) Representation of working mother in social media: semiotics analysis of Bukalapak's advertisement (Mothers Day version) in youtube. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Media and Social Science, ICEMSS 2018. CCER . EAI, Banyuwangi. ISBN 978-1-63190-700-5

Astharini, Dwi and Azrina, Korry and Gunawan, Dadang and Savitri, Dessy Indah and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Design of visible light communication with DCT and m-ary pam in xilinx system generator. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bangkok, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Astharini, Dwi and Rifqi, Muhammad and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Wavelength shift in single MZI as a function of arm length differences. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). IEEE, Bangkok, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Bustan, Radhiya and Alfikalia (2019) Implementation of character education in secondary education level in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of ISER-ACN International Conference. World Research Society, Singapore, pp. 15-21.

Elfidasari, Dewi and Muthmainah, Hurunin Fathonah and Wijayanti, Fahma (2019) Diversity and density of Pleco (Pterygoplycthys sp) in Ciliwung River, Jakarta Indonesia. In: International Biodiverstiy & Ecology Sciences Symposium Proceeding: Bioeco2019. Palas Academic Organization and Trade Corporation, Istanbul, pp. 156-161. ISBN 9786058019805

Elfidasari, Dewi and Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Sugoro, Irawan and Shabira, Afina and Qoyyimah, Fatihah Dinul (2019) The potential of Pterygoplichthys pardalis from Ciliwung river as the alternative source of protein. In: Proceedings of international conference. Institute of Research and Journals, Bangkok, pp. 1-5.

Fitria, Nila and Rohita (2019) Content analysis of kindergarten daily learning implementation plans (RPPH) in Central Jakarta Region. In: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (ISSEH 2018). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 306 . Atlantis Press, Paris, pp. 152-158. ISBN 978-94-6252-692-1

Fransiska, Enggar and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Rahmatia, Suci and Astharini, Dwi and Gunawan, Dadang (2019) Design and performance investigation of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based OFDM using 4-pam for indoor VLC system. In: 2019 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-5386-8052-0

Ismi, Laksmi Nurul and Elfidasari, Dewi and Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Sugoro, Irawan and Sabira, Afina P. (2019) The contents of heavy metals in Plecostomus (loricariidae) from the Ciliwung river Jakarta, indonesia. In: Proceeding of international biodiversity & ecology sciences symposium proceedings: BIOECO2019. Palas Academic Organization and Trade Corporation, Istanbul, pp. 164-168. ISBN 9786058019805

Nurlatifah, Hanny and Syahriar, Ary and Lubis, Ahmad Husin and Parwati, Niken (2019) The development of muslimpreneurship model in Indonesia. In: The 2019 ICSB World Congress Proceedings. International Congress for Small Business, Cairo, pp. 98-107. ISBN 978-1-7324980-5-1

Purnama, Tata Septayuda (2019) Islamic education model for preparing generations in the industrial revolution 4.0 at Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI). In: Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Islamic Epistemology. UAI Press, Jakarta, pp. 189-199. ISBN 978-623-90930-6-8

Rahmatia, Suci and Azzahra, Azmi Azizah and Ismail, Muhammad and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Astharini, Dwi (2019) Long term evolution (LTE) network design frequency division duplex (FDD) of 1800 MHz based on subscriber growth forecasting in 2025 at Denpasar, Indonesia. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bangkok, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Rifai, Anis and Fathoni, M. Ikhsan and Hartiwiningsih (2019) Legal protection for land holders. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies (ICILS 2019). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (363). Atlantis Press, Dordrecht, pp. 189-196. ISBN 978-94-6252-830-7

Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Savitri, Dessy Indah and Astharini, Dwi and Azrina, Korry and Rahmatia, Suci and Alindra, Rahmayati (2019) Implementation of visible light communication using pam on xilinx artix 7 35t FPGA. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bangkok, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Syahidah, Rifda Jilan and Hanum, Indrazati and Adiba, Syifa (2019) A descriptive-comparative study between offline and online information literacy programs at university level in Jakarta, Indonesia. In: Proceedings for the 2019 International Conference on Library and Information Science (ICLIS): Linking, Informing, Sharing. National Taiwan Normal University, pp. 131-142. ISBN 978-986-05-9627-4


Alamsyah, Firman (2019) Pedoman praktikum bioteknologi dasar & instrumentasi. Manual. Laboratorium Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Ansori, Feri and Dewi, Anitasa (2019) Analisis evaluasi program pendidikan dan pelatihan guru bahasa mandarin lokal di Tiongkok studi kasus Indonesia. Discussion Paper. Program Studi Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Submitted)

Conference or Workshop Item

Noriko, Nita and Primasari, Alina and Istisqo, Sheila Syaifiyah (2019) Effectiveness prebiotic and synbıotıc from composıte flour: Canna indica and Spirulina platensis. In: The 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences, 28-29 June 2019, Ankara, Turkey.


Masli, R.T.S. and Angeliqa, Fitria and Andriani, Fizzy and Nurhajati, Lestari and Zarkasi, Irwa R. and Tanti, Dewi Sad, eds. (2019) Ekosistem now industri periklanan: perubahan dan gagasan tentang platform kurikulum. Dewan Periklanan Indonesia (DPI); Dewan Perguruan Periklanan (DPP), Jakarta. ISBN 9786239195304

Fidesrinur (2019) Konsep dasar PAUD. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Direktorat Pembinaan Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Masyarakat, Jakarta.

Zirmansyah and Fitriana, Pipit Aidul (2019) Model dialog kerukunan umat beragama. Litbangdiklat Press, Jakarta. ISBN 978-623-91689-1-9

Ansori, Feri (2019) 你好 (Halo!). Direktorat Pembinaan Guru Pendidikan Menengah dan Pendidikan Khusus Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Ansori, Feri (2019) 我叫阿里 (Nama saya Ali). Direktorat Pembinaan Guru Pendidikan Menengah dan Pendidikan Khusus Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Herdiawanto, Heri and Wasitaatmadja, Fokky Fuad and Hamdayama, Jumanta (2019) Kewarganegaraan dan masyarakat madani. Prenadamedia Group, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-422-920-7

Tambunan, Amirsyah and Moenawar, M. Ghozali (2019) Islam wasathiyah: solusi Indonesia untuk perdamaian Afghanistan. Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Jakarta. ISBN 9786237082019

Wasitaatmadja, Fokky Fuad (2019) Filsafat hukum: rasionalisme dan spiritualisme. Prenadamedia Group, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-422-745-6

Intellectual Property

Elfidasari, Dewi and Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Sugoro, Irawan and Haninah and Putri, Handhini Dwi (2019) Identifikasi kandungan logam pada abon dan siomay berbahan dasar daging ikan sapu-sapu asal Sungai Ciliwung. 000177083.


Hadi, Kuncoro (2019) Bab 2: literatur review. [Video]

Hadi, Kuncoro (2019) Memahami uang muka dalam akad murabahah dengan mudah. [Video]

Hadi, Kuncoro (2019) Membuat deskriptif data dengan Yahoo Finance. [Video]

Hadi, Kuncoro (2019) Membuat perumusan masalah. [Video]

Hadi, Kuncoro (2019) Perbedaan murabahah dan riba. [Video]


Hadi, Kuncoro (2019) Beda metodologi penelitian dengan metode penelitian. [Audio]


Fadlillah, Syafiuddin (2019) Partai politik islam Indonesia: antara pilihan politik dan ideologi. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

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