Items where Division is "Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) > Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) > Ilmu Komunikasi" and Year is 2021

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Number of items: 33.


Poerwanto and Mandjusri, Alma and Irfan, Edoardo and Sukirno, Zakaria Lantang (2021) Tourism, creativity, communication and transformation. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-236-173-7


Agustin, Sari Monik and Sepang, Nurul Robbi (2021) Digital dramaturgy: simultaneous meeting self-performance melalui aplikasi video conference di era new normal. In: Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Sosial, 28 Juli 2021, Universitas Nasional. (Submitted)

Arindita, Ruvira and Nasucha, Muchammad and Arifah, Nursalsa and Lubna, Shafiyya (2021) Impression management komunitas daring. Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 10 (1). pp. 54-76. ISSN 2614-218X

Arindita, Ruvira and Nasucha, Muchammad and Arifah, Nursalsa and Lubna, Shafiyya (2021) Impression management komunitas daring. Jurnal Komunikasi Global, 1 (10). pp. 54-76. ISSN 2614-7998

Arindita, Ruvira and Nasucha, Muchammad and Hartanti, Lisa Esti Puji and Arifah, Nursalsa and Lubna, Shafiyya (2021) Construction of mother identity in online community: study of members of Halo Ibu Community. Aspiration Journal, 2 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2723-1461

Arindita, Ruvira and Nasucha, Muchammad and Hartanti, Lisa Esti Puji and Arifah, Nursalsa and Lubna, Shafiyya (2021) Construction of mothers identity in online community: study of members of Halo Ibu Community. ASPIRATION Journal, 2 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2723-1461

Asri, Rahman (2021) Berkreasi positif di media sosial, peran milenial di era digital. In: Webinar "Prodi Ilkom Goes to Pesantren", 12 Januari 2021, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Asri, Rahman (2021) Empower muslim by improving public speaking. In: Empower Muslim by Improving Public Speaking: Membangun Kepercayaan Diri Sejak di Bangku Sekolah, 4 Juli 2021, Zoom Meeting. (Unpublished)

Asri, Rahman (2021) Meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi siswa menghadapi tantangan kampus merdeka. In: SIPPKOM: Media Digital Sharing for Indonesia, 01-31 December 2021, Jakarta.

Atmadi, Gayatri (2021) Pelatihan public speaking. In: SIPPKOM: Media Digital Sharing for Indonesia, 01-31 December 2021, Jakarta.

Atmadi, Gayatri (2021) Public speaking untuk pemula. In: Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, 13 September 2021, Zoom Meeting. (Submitted)


Fadhal, Soraya and Pebrianto, Arief (2021) Moslem representation in hollywood media discourse: reception studies about “My name is Khan” movie. Discussion Paper. Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Submitted)


Gelgel, Ni Made Ras Amanda and Rahmiaji, Lintang Ratri and Limilia, Putri (2021) Pemetaan kompetensi literasi digital masyarakat Indonesia 2019. Pustaka Larasan, Bali. ISBN 978-623-6013-14-4

Gunawan, Imsar and Sunuantari, Manik (2021) Komunikasi kreatif dan hoaks di masa pandemi = Creative communication and hoax in the pandemic era. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2776-3765


Haroni, Nanang (2021) Brinkmanship media dalam talk show politik: analisis multimodalitas host Indonesia Lawyer Club - TV ONE. Discussion Paper. Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP UAI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Hasna, Safira (2021) Dominasi korean hallyu dalam konteks strukturasi di industri budaya. Jurnal Komunikasi, 12 (2). pp. 110-116. ISSN 2579-3292

Hasna, Safira (2021) Persepsi khalayak mengenai special event bumi rumah kita dalam meningkatkan public awareness. Perspektif Komunikasi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Politik dan Komunikasi Bisnis, 5 (1). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2615-7179


Kussusanti, Susanti and Arindita, Ruvira and Atmadi, Gayatri and Arifah, Nursalsa (2021) Online communications in medical mobile application: customer complaints assertiveness during covid-19 pandemic. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Jogjakarta Communication Conference (JCC 2021). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 596 . Atlantis Press, Yogyakarta, pp. 46-51. ISBN 978-94-6239-460-5

Kussusanti, Susanti and Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono and Halim, Rizal Edy and Furinto, Asnan (2021) The role of communication justice and assertive communication in b2c marketplace post recovery satisfaction. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 4 (6). pp. 1342-1353. ISSN 2644-0695


Moenawar, M. Ghozali and Nasucha, Muchammad and Mandjusri, Alma (2021) Hybrid communication for sustaining health social enterprises during covid-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the 3rd Jogjakarta Communication Conference (JCC) 2021. (In Press)


Priatna, Wahyu Budi and Santoso, Hudi and Moenawar, M. Ghozali (2021) The strength of sociopreneurs in nurturing the rural socioeconomic conditions. E3S Web of Conferences, 232. pp. 1-13.


Rahardjo, J.S. Dwi and Kholil and Sunuantari, Manik (2021) Acceptance and behavior of social media use: causality analysis of media needs, media choice and intervening characteristics of social media innovations. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 10 (4). pp. 36-58. ISSN 2581-821X


Sepang, Nurul Robbi (2021) Penelitian kuantitatif. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Setyastuti, Mayda Putri and Sunuantari, Manik (2021) Perpetuating beauty myth through selfie-editing in instagram. Journal Communication Spectrum: Capturing New Perspectives in Communication, 11 (1). pp. 26-38. ISSN 2622-6405

Sunuantari, Manik (2021) KIM as enabler of AROS tourism destination development: case study of KIM gatmedia Gunung Anyar Tambak Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Communique, 3 (2). pp. 22-36. ISSN 2622-7290

Sunuantari, Manik and Haniza, Nurul and Rahayunianto, Arry (2021) Ethno gastronomy simbolic of Indonesian ethnic chinese culture at Jakarta old town. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 6 (1). pp. 87-95. ISSN 2503-0795

Sunuantari, Manik and Nasucha, Muchammad and Mandjusri, Alma (2021) Membangun generasi tangguh melalui program "esok hari lebih baik". Kreanova: jurnal Kreativitas dan Inovasi, 1 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2798-527X

Sunuantari, Manik and Setyastuti, Mayda Putri (2021) Religiosity and technology in community information group. In: Procedings of the 1st ICA Regional Conference, ICA 2019, October 16-17 2019, Bali, Indonesia. CCER . EAI, Bali, pp. 18-25. ISBN 978-1-63190-287-1

Sunuantari, Manik and Zarkasi, Irwa R. (2021) R-TIK digital literacy towards Indonesian MSMEs (UMKM) digital energy of Asia. Komunikator, 13 (2). pp. 175-187. ISSN 2549-9246

Sunuantari, Manik and Zarkasi, Irwa R. and Mandjusri, Alma and Gunawan, Imsar (2021) R-TIK digital transformation towards Indonesia information society. International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 4 (5). pp. 962-966. ISSN 2644-0695


Turpyn, Juan Malik Frederick and Alfaraby, M. Cessario and Puti, Rahma Mahardhika Ananda and Nasucha, Muchammad (2021) Is socialization through digital media effective? A study on public transportation policy in Jakarta. Proceeding of The 4th LSPR International Conference on Communication and Business 2021. pp. 1-15.


Wardyaningrum, Damayanti (2021) Konstruksi pemberitaan pada periode pemulihan bencana di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Discussion Paper. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Submitted)

Wardyaningrum, Damayanti (2021) Mengatasi kendala dalam public speaking. In: SIPPKOM: Media Digital Sharing for Indonesia, 01-31 December 2021, Jakarta.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 10:50:56 2025 WIB.