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Alamsyah, Firman (2020) Covid-19: penyebab, penyebaran dan pencegahannya. Indonesian Scholars Network.
Alamsyah, Firman and Motomi, Ito (2020) Molecular and adaptive evolution of Nep2 gene from carnivorous plant Nepenthes. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 457 (1). 012012. ISSN 1755-1315
Alamsyah, Firman and Widyasari, Wiwit Budi and Suhandono, Sony (2020) Characterization of pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase α-subunit gene from sugarcane showing gene without intron. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 457 (1). 012078. ISSN 1755-1315
Effendi, Yunus and Aini, N. and Pambudi, Arief and Sasaerila, Hidayat Yorianta (2020) Metagenomics analysis of soil microbial communities in plant agroforestry system rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) – Ganyong (Canna sp.). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 468. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1755-1315
Elfidasari, Dewi (2020) Apakah benar, ikan sapu-sapu sungai ciliwung mengandung logam? Pustaka Rumah C1nta, Magelang. ISBN 9786237961550
Elfidasari, Dewi (2020) Pelestarian penyu di UPTD Konservasi Penyu Pangumbahan. 000174996.
Elfidasari, Dewi (2020) Yuk mengenal ikan sapu-sapu sungai ciliwung. Pustaka Rumah C1nta. ISBN 9786237961352
Elfidasari, Dewi (2020) Yuk mengenal ikan sapu-sapu sungai ciliwung. 000200499.
Elfidasari, Dewi and Gifari, Toufan and Sugoro, Irawan (2020) Cemaran mikroorganisme dan korelasinya terhadap keberhasilan penetasan telur penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) di UPTD Konservasi Penyu Pangumbahan Sukabumi. 000174622.
Elfidasari, Dewi and Sugoro, Irawan and Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Ismi, Laksmi Nurul (2020) Analisis populasi mikrobiota saluran pencernaan ikan sapu-sapu asal Sungai Ciliwung dengan metode next generation sequencing (NGS). 000173593.
Elfidasari, Dewi and Wijayanti, Fahma and Muthmainah, Hurunin Fathonah (2020) Habitat characteristic of suckermouth armored catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis in Ciliwung River, Indonesia. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 8 (3). pp. 141-147. ISSN 2347-5129
Elfidasari, Dewi and Wijayanti, Fahma and Muthmainah, Hurunin Fathonah (2020) Short Communication: The effect of water quality on the population density of Pterygoplichthys pardalis in the Ciliwung River, Jakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 21 (9). pp. 4100-4106. ISSN 2085-4722
Elfidasari, Dewi and Wijayanti, Fahma and Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Prihatini, Wahyu and Fahmi, Melta Rini and Sugoro, Irawan (2020) Bioekologi ikan sapu-sapu di sepanjang aliran Sungai Ciliwung. 000173592.
Elfidasari, Dewi and Wijayanti, Fahma and Sholihah, Afifatus (2020) Trophic level and position of Pterygoplichthys pardalis in Ciliwung River (Jakarta, Indonesia) ecosystem based on the gut content analysis. Biodiversitas, 21 (6). pp. 2862-2870. ISSN 2085-4722
Jumianto, Syafitri and Mujadin, Anwar and Nabila, Dhea Hanun and Anugrah, Dinda Bunga (2020) Principle component analysis untuk klasifikasi olahan bakso babi dan sapi menggunakan electronic nose. Project Report. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Luthfi, Muhammad and Elfidasari, Dewi and Pairah (2020) Aktivitas harian Elang Jawa (Nisaetus bartelsi) di Bumi Perkemahan Sukamantri Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak. Bios Logos, 10 (02). pp. 99-105. ISSN 2656-3282
Noriko, Nita and Muawamah, Anna and Ma'rufah, Enbun (2020) Alternative healthy food: noodles and Cookies Cannalina from Composite Flour Canna indica and Spirulina platensis. In: ICBET 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology. Association for Computing Machinery, Tokyo, pp. 207-211. ISBN 978-1-4503-7724-9
Pratiwi, Rarastoeti and Antara, Nyoman Yudi and Fadliansyah, Lalu Gunawan and Ardiansyah, Syamsul Arif and Nurhidayat, Luthfi and Sholikhah, Eti Nurwening and Sunarti, Sunarti and Widyarini, Sitarina and Fadhlurrahman, Ahmad Ghitha and Fatmasari, Hindana and Tunjung, Woro Anindito Sri and Haryana, Sofia Mubarika and Alamsyah, Firman and Taruno, Warsito Purwo (2020) CCL2 and IL18 expressions may associate with the anti-proliferative effect of noncontact electro capacitive cancer therapy in vivo. F1000Research, 8 (1770). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2046-1402
Pratiwi, Rianta and Elfidasari, Dewi (2020) Short communication: The crustaceans fauna from Natuna Islands (Indonesia) using three different sampling methods. Biodiversitas, 21 (3). pp. 1215-1226. ISSN 2085-4722
Puspitasari, Riris Lindiawati and Pambudi, Arief and Pangeran, Muhammad Habib (2020) Effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) to the mice longissimus dorsi muscle: A chemical review. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1469. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6596
Putri, Handhini Dwi and Elfidasari, Dewi and Haninah and Sugoro, Irawan (2020) Nutritional content of bone flour made from plecos fish Pterygoplichthys pardalis from the Ciliwung River, Indonesia. Biosaintifika, 12 (3). pp. 329-334. ISSN 2338-7610
Rahmi, Firli Azkia and Elfidasari, Dewi and Fahmi, Melta Rini (2020) Banana and cassava peel waste bioconversion using black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae. International Journal of Entomology Research, 5 (4). pp. 67-70. ISSN 2455-4758
Rahmi, Firli Azkia and Yamin, Muhammad and Sasaerila, Hidayat Yorianta (2020) Effect of different organic wastes on the growth of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae. Proceedings of the International Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019), 8. pp. 113-116. ISSN 2468-5747