Items where Author is "Astharini, Dwi"

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Number of items: 46.

Putra, Adhytya Dhava Shalsa and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Astharini, Dwi and Syahriar, Ary (2022) Simulation of visible light communication and free space optic for IoT using optisystem. In: 2022 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD). IEEE, Bandung, pp. 1-5. ISBN 979-8-3503-9660-7

Rabbani, Ghani Amri and Syahriar, Ary and Astharini, Dwi (2022) Controlling the performance of anti-lock braking system at various tracks and vehicle conditions. In: ICONETSI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry. Tangerang, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4503-9718-6

Astharini, Dwi and Asvial, Muhamad and Gunawan, Dadang (2022) Estimation with angular parameters on channel. ECTI-CIT Transactions, 16 (2). pp. 142-151. ISSN 2286-9131

Astharini, Dwi and Asvial, Muhamad and Gunawan, Dadang (2022) Performance of signal detection with trellis code for downlink non‑orthogonal multiple access visible light communication. Photonic Network Communications, 43. pp. 185-192. ISSN 1572-8188

Al Fajar, M. Chw and Fatmawati, Mutia and Wulandari, Putri and Astharini, Dwi (2020) Analysis of DFT and FFT signal transformation with hamming window in LabVIEW. In: Proceeding of 2020 2nd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Wireless Sensors and Powering (BCWSP). IEEE, Yogyakarta, pp. 79-83. ISBN 978-1-7281-7450-1

Rahmatia, Suci and Martin, Diar and Ismail, Muhammad and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Astharini, Dwi and Safitri, Riri (2020) Automatic cell planning of LTE FDD 1800 MHz network in Klaten, Central Java. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE). (In Press)

Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Darwis, Robi and Rahmatia, Suci and Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2020) Hybrid zigbee and wifi wireless sensor networks for hydroponic monitoring. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE). (In Press)

Fransiska, Enggar and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Rahmatia, Suci and Astharini, Dwi and Gunawan, Dadang (2019) Design and performance investigation of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based OFDM using 4-pam for indoor VLC system. In: 2019 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-5386-8052-0

Rahmatia, Suci and Azzahra, Azmi Azizah and Ismail, Muhammad and Astharini, Dwi and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Subscriber growth forecasting of LTE network 1800 MHz FDD at Denpasar City using monte carlo simulation. Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi, 19 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2527-9955

Astharini, Dwi and Aulia, Tsaura and Wulandari, Putri and Alamtaha, Rahmat and Afisha, Rifqy (2019) GUI design for comparative output signal DFT and DTFT with LabVIEW. INSIST, 4 (1). pp. 210-213. ISSN 2502-8588

Alfina, Riny and Arifianto, Indrawan and Astharini, Dwi and Wulandari, Putri (2019) Mendisain GUI untuk menampilkan nilai FFT dan IFFT menggunakan LabVIEW. TESLA, 21 (1). pp. 50-56. ISSN 2655-7967

Astharini, Dwi and Azrina, Korry and Gunawan, Dadang and Savitri, Dessy Indah and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Design of visible light communication with DCT and m-ary pam in xilinx system generator. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bangkok, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Savitri, Dessy Indah and Astharini, Dwi and Azrina, Korry and Rahmatia, Suci and Alindra, Rahmayati (2019) Implementation of visible light communication using pam on xilinx artix 7 35t FPGA. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bangkok, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Rahmatia, Suci and Azzahra, Azmi Azizah and Ismail, Muhammad and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Astharini, Dwi (2019) Long term evolution (LTE) network design frequency division duplex (FDD) of 1800 MHz based on subscriber growth forecasting in 2025 at Denpasar, Indonesia. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bangkok, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Astharini, Dwi and Rifqi, Muhammad and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2019) Wavelength shift in single MZI as a function of arm length differences. In: 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). IEEE, Bangkok, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-5386-7966-1

Astharini, Dwi and Gunawan, Dadang (2018) Discrete cosine transform and pulse amplitude modulation for visible light Communication with unequally powered multiple access. In: 2018 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AEMT). IEEE, Lombok, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-5386-2608-5

Astharini, Dwi and Pratama, Nurul Ihsan Hariz and Rahardjo, Sasono and Triputra, Fadjar Rahino and Syahriar, Ary and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2018) Design and analysis of generalized LED index modulation OFDM on FPGA. In: 2018 International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Shah Alam, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-1-5386-4838-4

Arifianto, Indrawan and Alamtaha, Rahmat and Syahriar, Ary and Astharini, Dwi (2018) Graphical analysis springs dampers system on the A freight cars. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 532. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1757-899X

Meiniar, Wulan and Afrida, Filda Ayu and Irmasari, Ai and Mukti, Ali and Astharini, Dwi (2018) Human voice filtering with band-stop filter design in MATLAB. In: Proceeding of 2017 International Conference on Broadband Communication, Wireless Sensors and Powering (BCWSP). IEEE, Jakarta, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-5386-2833-1

Parwati, Niken and Tanjung, Widya Nurcahayanty and Safitri, Riri and Astharini, Dwi (2018) Program pembentukan dan pengembangan wirausaha berbasis ICT di Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (FST), Universitas AL Azhar Indonesia (UAI). Jurnal Pengabdian dan Kewirausahaan (JPK), 2 (2). pp. 86-94. ISSN 2620-3480

Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Gitomojati, Pramuditoruni and Astharini, Dwi and Rahmatia, Suci and Pratama, Nurul Ihsan Hariz (2017) Implementation of SDR for video transmission using GNU radio and USRP B200. In: 2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Denpasar, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-5386-2739-6

Radsanjani, Mohammad Fauzi and Astharini, Dwi (2017) PC based real time control of DC motor. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 4 (2). pp. 66-69. ISSN 2355-8059

Astharini, Dwi and Mayola, Ary and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Syahriar, Ary (2017) Analisa kinerja teknik modulasi digital pada kanal optik nirkabel / performance analysis of digital modulation techniques on wireless optical channel. Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi, 17 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2527-9955

Sahputra, Robby and Astharini, Dwi and Faisal (2017) Low density parity check (LDPC) code for OFDM transmission using bit flipping and sum product algorithm. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (4). pp. 3754-3757. ISSN 1936-6612

Alamsyah, Rahmadina and Gandana, Danny M. and Nasril and Astharini, Dwi (2017) Implementation of turret system control with induction motor on CNC lathe using PLC Siemens S7-200. In: 2016 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD). IEEE, Bandung, pp. 214-218. ISBN 978-1-5090-3840-4

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi and Samijayani, Octarina Nur (2017) Prototipe pengendalian PH dan elektro konduktivitas pada cairan nutrisi tanaman hidroponik. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 4 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2355-8059

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2017) Prototipe tempat sampah elektronik bersuara berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega328P dan decoder VS1011. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 4 (1). pp. 7-13. ISSN 2355-8059

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2017) Pembuatan prototipe tempat sampah elektronik bersuara berbasis ATMEGA328P dan decoder VS1011. UNSPECIFIED. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia.

Astharini, Dwi, and Syahriar, Ary, and Mujadin, Anwar (2016) Sistem pemancar dan penerima untuk komunikasi optik tanpa kabel. IDP000077835.

Rumadi and Syahriar, Ary and Astharini, Dwi and Lubis, Ahmad Husin (2016) The Effects of apodization profile on uniform fiber Bragg gratings. In: 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA). IEEE, Bandung, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4673-8447-6

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2016) Ball on plate balancing system pada KIT praktek PID mata kuliah dasar sistem kendali. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 3 (3). pp. 134-139. ISSN 2355-8059

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2016) Uji kinerja modul pelatihan motor penunjang mata kuliah mekatronika. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 3 (3). pp. 127-133. ISSN 2355-8059

Astharini, Dwi and Mujadin, Anwar (2016) Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing untuk komunikasi optik berbasis perangkat lunak. Other. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia.

Astharini, Dwi and Mujadin, Anwar (2016) Pembuatan KIT praktek PID berbasis ARDUINO UNO R3 penunjang mata kuliah dasar sistem kendali. Other. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia.

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2016) Pembuatan prototipe modul pelatihan motor penunjang mata kuliah makatronika berbasis ARDUINO UNO R3. Other. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia.

Pradani, Winangsari and Mubarik, Firdus and Astharini, Dwi (2015) SDR UAI, virtual machine for a software defined radio toolpack. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11 (3&4). pp. 339-345. ISSN 15504646

Astharini, Dwi and Basthian, Tyas and Mustika, Rikah and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Safitri, Riri (2015) Zero padding and cyclic prefix for OFDM on multipath rayleigh fading channel. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11 (3-4). pp. 330-338. ISSN 1550-4654

Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Astharini, Dwi and Syahriar, Ary (2015) Software defined radio for audio signal processing in project based learning. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11 (3-4). pp. 313-320. ISSN 1550-4654

Mujadin, Anwar and Astharini, Dwi (2015) Lokalisasi jarak dan sudut pembacaan kartu radio frequecy identification (RFID). Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 3 (2). pp. 70-75. ISSN 2355-8059

Devayani, Indah Juningtiaz and Syahriar, Ary and Astharini, Dwi (2015) Characteristics of S-bend optical waveguides based on back-to-back and sinusoidal structures. In: 2014 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS). IEEE, Bali, pp. 65-68. ISBN 978-1-4799-8478-7

Astharini, Dwi and Zulkarnaen, Ahmad and Suryana, Yaya (2015) Model Petri Net untuk otomatiasi destilasi bioethanol. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 3 (1). pp. 34-38. ISSN 2355-8059

Astharini, Dwi and Mujadin, Anwar (2015) Pembuatan prototipe modul pelatihan penunjang mata kuliah embedded systems berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega8. Other. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia.

Astharini, Dwi and Mubarik, Firdus and Pradani, Winangsar (2014) Software defined radio Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (SDR UAI). 072764.

Astharini, Dwi and Rahmatia, Suci and Sibarani, Tio Apridinata and Batubara, Raja Persaulian (2013) Pengembangan sistem pendeteksi lokasi titik api dalam ruangan terbatas. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi, 2 (2). pp. 91-95. ISSN 2355-8059

Astharini, Dwi and Hamid, Sofian and Samijayani, Octarina Nur and Wardani, Sukma and Kusuma, Dian (2011) Penerapan metode simulasi pra-praktikum menggunakan pemrograman GUI dan FDATOOL, MATLAB. Project Report. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Astharini, Dwi (2009) Model sistem kejadian diskrit dengan aljabar max-plus untuk routing. Other. Fakultas Teknik UAI.

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